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Looking for Information on Toll Cups
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Hello Spoomers,
recently an older fellow donated a pair of what appear to be toll cups to our park and mill. His Grandfather was a cooper and a barrel maker and had these for years, using them for feeding chickens. They appear to be 1/2 bushel and 1/8 of that which would coincide with the NC state regs for a 1/8 toll on wheat. The smaller is stamped with "NC" on the rim, which would also fall into NC regs that they be verified and stamped by the state. Our problem is that we have never seen any toll cups from our area as they tended not to survive. If anyone has any pics or information on toll cups that might help with our research it would be greatly appreciated! We would love to display these for the public if we can provide some provenance! Thank you, and please see attached pics,
Seth Dubowsky
Historical Interpreter and Park Aide
West Point Mill and Yates Mill Historical Park
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